Live 1986
FLED 3085
World Music
Fledg'Ling Records
UK Regno Unito
Back in the 20th century, long before The Unthanks and Mumford & Sons, Home Service really did seem to offer a fresh way forward for the long-overdue folk revival. Rising out of the ashes of The Albion Band, the eight-piece outfit were strong on politics, performance and a bracing brand of music which sounds as strong and exhilarating today as it did on these performances from 1986. There were so many elements which made them special: the songwriting skills of John Tams; the fiery guitar of Graeme Taylor; the impeccable choice of material. Yet what really elevated Home Service from the folk-rock rut was their innovative brass section. On disc, the late Howard Evans (trumpet), Andy Findon (flute) and Roger Williams (trombone) propel the music with vigour.
HOME SERVICE from Felmay Shop