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GIBSON, Jon - Visitations I & II + Thirties
Visitations I & II + Thirties

Nt 6747

Newtone Records

1 CD

Reprint in CD format of the first LP (originally issued by Philip Glass' Chatham Square in the seventies) by the American composer and saxophonist JON GIBSON. This CD version presents the original material appeared on the LP remixed and edited by the composer and some more unissued material.
The original tracks were two long compositions: Visitations I - II, that GIBSON describes as 16 Multi Track-Textured Environmental Soundscape. The music presentes several layers of sounds, mostly natural, that create a very unique Environmental Soundscape. The two tracks are different mixing of the same tapes. In a moment of re-discovery of the Ambient Music this add an element of interest: the possibility to hear recordings that anticipated the philosophy, and often the results of today most trendy sounds.
The third track on the CD is the world premiere, recorded in London in 1972, of one of the most important of GIBSON's composition Thirties. The material is entirely unissued and presents GIBSON performing with other players that are important composers on their own: Gavin Bryars, Christopher Hobbs, David Rosenboom. Here the accent is mostly on the rhythmic insistence of the composition.

JON GIBSON, American, composer and saxophone player, is one of the most important exponent of the American Minimal Music school. His music has been recorded by Lovely Music, Ear Rational, Einstein. As performer GIBSON took part to several very important world premieres, such as Drumming by Steve Reich, In C by Terry Riley and Einstein on the Beach by Philip Glass. He is a founder of the Philip Glass Ensemble. Under his name GIBSON recorded a CD, In Good Company (Point Music), presenting compositions by the most important Minimalist composers, some written for him.

GIBSON, Jon from Felmay Shop

GIBSON, Jon - Visitations I & II + Thirties


Jon Gibson flutes, percussion, keyboards
John Fullermann natural sounds (1,2)
Tina Girouard maracas (1,2)
Richard Peck percussion(1,2)
Kurt Munkacs mix (1,2)
Gavin Bryars percussion (3)
Michael Parsons percussion (3)
Christopher Hobbs percussion(3)
David Rosenboom electric violin (3)
Stanley Lunetta percussion (3)
Arthur Woodbury percussion (3)
Kurt Bischoff percussion (3)
Ken Horton percussion (3)
Jeff Karl percussion (3)
Peter Sutherland percussion (3)
Eva Scalia percussion (3)

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